
Our 2023 CSA season is ready for sign-ups!

The Glen Valley Organic Farm Co-operative (GVOFC) is a community of individuals who have come together with the goal of sharing, owning and operating Glen Valley Organic Farm. The Co-operative’s members come from a variety of backgrounds, including conventional and organic farming, education, law, project management, marketing and group facilitation. The Co-operative uses a consensus model of decision-making, ensuring that all members have a voice.

GVOFC stewards 50 acres of fertile loam, woodland, and wetlands plus several homes and outbuildings on our farm just east of Fort Langley, BC on the south shore of the Fraser River. We seek to feed and educate present and future generations by co-operatively holding, stewarding and sustainably farming our land.

At the moment, we have three businesses being run off of the farm – Close to Home Organics and Earth Apple Organic Farm are the organic produce businesses that operate a Community Shared Agriculture (CSA) program. Helping us with our pollination needs on the farm, we have a group of shareholders called the Delphic Hive acting as our on farm apiarists.

We invite you to learn more about our farm and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!